Monthly Archives: April 2018


Running a Website is Hard Work!

Creating a website can be great fun, but running it is very time-consuming, monotonous and hard work.  It can be easy to get behind with your site’s updates and overall health.  In addition, it is also essential that you keep your content, search engine optimization, and marketing up to date.  Here are just a few [...]

By | April 30th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

5 Great Websites for Finding Expert WordPress Developers and Designers Fast

Looking for a reliable place to find professional WordPress developers? We've got it covered for yo! Let's get it rolling.   1. advertises itself as a logo design-focused freelance site, there are many more skillsets available through the service. Both WordPress template designers and WordPress site developers are available to help you improve your [...]

WordPress Tasks: What Tasks Are Involved in Maintaining a WordPress Website?

Whilst there are many products and services that help you maintain your WordPress websites, you still need to spend time ensuring that everything is ticking over. Below is a list of essential WordPress tasks that every WordPress user should make a priority.   Software Updates When it comes to updates, WordPress is miles ahead of [...]

By | April 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

What are the template tags in WordPress?

In WordPress template tags are PHP functions that are used to display information dynamically or customize blog template.Below are the list of some generally used template tags in WordPress get_header() wp_register() get_sidebar() wp_title() wp_enqueue_script() get_the_author() wp_list_authors() category_description() get_bookmarks() Read More about WordPress template tags from

By | April 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

WP Tangerine — WordPress Support Service

After WP Tangerine was launched, it soon became one of the top maintenance services that everyone knows and loves. What they offer are the same with many others in the WordPress Support niche, but their service is backed with excellent delivery, super awesome customer service, affordable prices, innovative offerings, and professional transparency in their work [...]

By | April 2nd, 2018|Website Support Services|0 Comments