Wordpress Developer Reviews

/Wordpress Developer Reviews

4 Downsides of WordPress

WordPress without a doubt is an influential content management system that allows people to build user-friendly websites in a few minutes. It offers a ton of powerful themes, plugins, and tools that let you create pretty much anything. Despite all these features, WordPress has some severe pitfalls that can affect your online presence. Being a [...]

Review of “Developer” Plugin by Automattic

Description "Developer" is a plugin by Automattic, which helps WordPress developers develop. This plugin will help you optimize your development environment by making sure that you have all the essential tools and plugins installed.   Screenshots On activation, the plugin prompts you to specify what type of developer you are. This is used to configure [...]

5 Great Websites for Finding Expert WordPress Developers and Designers Fast

Looking for a reliable place to find professional WordPress developers? We've got it covered for yo! Let's get it rolling.   1. 99designs.com 99Designs.com advertises itself as a logo design-focused freelance site, there are many more skillsets available through the service. Both WordPress template designers and WordPress site developers are available to help you improve your [...]

WP Tangerine

If you're wondering why we completely love WP Tangerine and think it's the best WordPress support service on the web, then read this. Over the years, we've interacted with lots of website management services and had firsthand experiences with them. But we believe WP Tangerine is one of the most awesome. Below are our reasons... [...]

5 Places to Find Top Quality WordPress Developers

5 Places to Find Top Quality WordPress Developers   WordPress Jobs Did you know that there is an official WordPress job board? We stumbled onto it by accident and have been using it off and on ever since! What better place to find a WordPress developer than the site created solely for this purpose? Although [...]

Why Reading Developer’s Review is Crucial

We all need a web developer sometime in our life. In fact, it is crucial that we have them early on so that you don't go back and forth with your projects. However, it is also important that you know it is truly difficult to find the right developers out there. Hence this is a [...]

By | September 15th, 2016|Wordpress Developer Reviews|0 Comments