Hiring freelance developers is important if you run an online business but do not keep a team of in-house developers.

Freelancer developers are the ones who work freely means not under any organisation. They work according to their convenience. If you are planning to hire developers

One should keep these points in mind while choosing a freelance developer for a startup.

Points to remember:

  • Web & App development
  • Portfolio
  • Cost effective
  • Content writing
  • SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Graphic designing
  • Communication skills
  • Marketing knowledge
  • Good technical developer

Image Source: Google

Before hiring any freelancer for a startup you should keep in mind these skills or points. Freelancers are less experienced people and don’t have a company support. They are totally responsible for their work. And it will a risk to hire freelance developer for your startup.

In my opinion, you should hire a good company for your startup. The company should be best in providing the kind of solutions you’re looking for.

Some services to look out for:

  • Web development
  • Mobile app development
  • UI/UX design
  • CMS & E-commerce
  • SEO
  • Marketing
  • Brand management