Building a great online business does not start and end with creating the perfect product. You need everything working together.

One of the most of such things is a website.

One of the first steps to building a great website is hiring of a web developer… not just any developer, but a good web developer.

So how do you do that? Here are three tips to help you:



Create a list of 2-3 websites you like

The first thing to have in mind when looking to hire a great web developer is what you want (and what you don’t want). Take a look at some of the websites you follow whose designs appeal to you.

Ideally, these are sites with a large following and lots of engagement.

Ask yourself what you like about these websites, what you don’t like or feel could be improved on.

At the bottom of these websites is usually a reference to the developer including contact details. Email the website owner for this information if you don’t see it; ask them if they are satisfied with the services they got.


Ask to review their portfolio

So you’ve gotten in touch with the developer who took care of your favorite website on the web. If they are good, there’s a high chance that they are booked solid for the time being.

Don’t feel discouraged; this actually gives you time to do your due diligence. Ask for a portfolio if you have not already viewed it on their website.

The portfolio should give you a feel of what this developer has to offer, and should help you make a decision to either move forward with the hiring process or move along to the next developer.


Ask the right questions

Asking the right questions is the best key to avoid the negative consequences.

Ask the questions that best describes the job role, because these right questions can tell you a lot about a candidate’s drive and ambition, which is important in helping you understand how the person works, and whether or not your prospective employee will grow with your business.